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Get Involved 

Interested in supporting Career Day...

There are so many great ways to get involved! Whether you join in on one of our events, donate your time, resources or services...


Donate your time or services.

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Make a tax-deductible donation‏.

Partner with Us

We are always looking to partner with other organizations.



Career Day is the perfect solution for colleges looking to enrich the career navigation process for Black and Hispanic students. We offer free educational programming for all students. Connect with our team to bring Career Day to your campus!

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Collaborating with Career Day is a valuable method to promote diversity and inclusion in your industry. This partnership can increase awareness, improve accessibility to various career paths, attract talented individuals, and expand opportunities for career advancement.


If you're a student seeking career guidance, visit our "programs" page to find out about our upcoming events! Career Day provides a safe and inclusive environment for all students to explore and learn about various career paths.

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